Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - All Quests Unrestricted Guide

v4.2: Male Scoundrel -> Jedi Guardian Route

Route by indykenobi, with help from R4NG3 and ChaosDrifting

Guide by indykenobi

This route completes all 100 main and side quests in the game with no restrictions. Timing begins upon clicking “PLAY” after character creation and ends when the screen cuts to black at the start of the Malak Death cutscene. A load-removal tool and auto-splitter is available for LiveSplit thanks to glasnonck and XeroHR (results may vary for Windows 11 users); times are sorted based on load-removed times, since load times vary significantly in this game, and there are frequent load screens.

Dark side or light side quest conclusions are chosen based on overall speed for the route. This guide will cover the character creation and leveling choices, as well as reasoning for each quest’s chosen completion and a detailed route.

If you need assistance with the glitches used in the game, I recommend the Glitch Guides. You can either review those guides ahead of time, or use the hyperlinks in the guide below to consult the more detailed material when necessary. You can also join the KotOR Speedrunning Discord and ask questions if you have them!

Table of Contents:

Category Rules

REMEMBER to show yourself restarting the game at the beginning of each attempt.

All Quests Category

For All Quests runs, you must complete the game with either ending on any difficulty, and complete all 100 quests. Completing a quest is defined as any of the following three conditions:

  1. The quest appears in the “Completed Quests” section of the journal.
  2. If the quest is entirely removed from the journal when completed, it must appear in the “Active Quests” section of the journal first.
  3. If a quest is completed but then becomes active again, it must be completed again.

Out of the 100 quests, 91 of them can at some point be moved to the “Completed Quests” section of the Journal and thus satisfy condition 1.

The quest “The Jedi Council” is (with the current route) the only quest that reactivates and thus falls under condition 3. It is completed both times by satisfying condition 2, as the quest is never placed in the Completed Quests section of the Journal. The following eight quests are removed entirely from the Journal instead of becoming Completed Quests, and thus must satisfy condition 2:

The final quest is the last one in the game, “The Final Confrontation”. The game actually never bothers to update that quest at any point after giving it to you, so for the purposes of the speedrun it is considered to be complete when Malak is defeated (when the timer stops).

Unrestricted Ruleset

All glitches are allowed in Unrestricted; however, all KotOR speedruns ban the following:

Character Build

Character Creation

Choosing a male character is faster in two places: starting the “Invited to a Party” quest on Taris requires going further into the Upper City Cantina as a female MC, and you have to do 4 additional conversations with Carth to complete his quest. This guide will assume a male MC.

Scoundrel is picked for access to Sneak Attack, which is a key part of our combat build.

Initial Attributes

Our attributes are chosen here for two reasons: 18 Strength is to maximize our damage and melee weapons for maximum damage. The points in Constitution and Wisdom are to increase the corresponding saving throws, while the 10 in Charisma opens up a couple extra Persuade checks on Kashyyyk, and gives us one extra net Persuade point.

Initial Skills

Security is used for a skip on Endar Spire, as well as opening Selven’s apartment on Taris. Persuade is our main skill and what we will be dumping points into during the Fake Level Ups (or FLUs) later on in the run, so that we can take some conversational shortcuts.

Initial Feat - Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons

Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons gives us a +1 on our combat rolls with melee weapons, translating to every attack having an additional 5% chance to hit. Since actually hitting is the only thing that can hold back our combat build, we need every bit of extra attack we can get.

Leveling Plan

It is important to note that, due to the side effects of Hotshots, our character frequently reverts to a previous level. Hence our main level benchmarks are level 2 on Taris, level 5 leaving Dantooine, level 7 starting Leviathan, and level 9 on Korriban. We have to hit level 9 to complete Juhani’s quest “Threat from Xor”, but we make use of Yuthura’s experience exploit to help us get there.

Level STR Feats Powers Skills
1 18 Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons   Per to 4, Sec to 4, Save 4
FLU (17) 18 Master Two-Weapon Fighting, Sneak Attack IX   Per to 10
3 18 Medium Armor Proficiency Force Valor, Affect Mind Save All
FLU (20) 19 Master Critical Strike Master Speed Per to 12
FLU (15) 19 Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Master Valor Per to 14
Auto 6 20      
Auto 7 20      
Optional 8 20 or 21 Weapon Spec: Lightsaber Recommended Save All
Auto 9 20 or 21      
Auto 10 21 or 22      

Optional Level 8:

FLU Notes:

There are multiple FLUs in the five levels we do manually:

Additional Notes:

Equipment Plan

Head: Breath Mask - Bought from Crattis Yurkal, Dantooine

Gloves: Strength Gauntlets - Found on Taris, Sith Governor’s corpse

Gloves: GenoHaradan Power Gloves - Received on Manaan from Hulas

Body: Sith Armor - Found on Taris, Sarna’s backpack

Belt: Adrenaline Amplifier - Found on Taris, Sith Governor’s corpse

Belt: Nerve Amplifier Belt - Found on Tatooine, Chewed Twi’Lek corpse

Weapons Used

1. Vibrosword - Purchased on Taris, 132 Credits

2. Prototype Vibroblade - Found on Endar Spire, Sith Commander corpse

3. Sanasiki’s Blade - Purchased on Dantooine, 7000 Credits

4: Lightsaber - Built on Dantooine during Jedi Trials

Credit Route

Overall the credit route is quite lenient; there are at least 1000 credits extra at the tightest point after Taris. There are also only two complicated shopping trips; the first is with Larrim when we use Credit Underflow to go negative, while the second is selling many duplicated items to Janice Nall.

1. Larrim on Taris (Credit Underflow)

2. Zelka Forn on Taris

3. Igear on Taris

4. Janice Nall on Taris

5. Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine

6. Eli Gand on Kashyyyk

7. Mic’Tunan’Jus Orgu on Tatooine

8. Junix Nard on Tatooine

9. Selkath Merchant on Manaan

Our main source of credits is selling items to Janice, which is most of our twice-duplicated inventory. We also use credits from quest rewards, particularly the Taris Duel Ring, Dantooine sidequests and the Manaan Swoop Races.

Computer Spike Route

The current route requires 11 Computer Spikes for hacking. We get 3 from the Governor’s strongbox, which are then duplicated twice via a Full Inventory Dupe, yielding 9 spikes. We have three other ways to obtain the rest of the spikes:

Largo’s Footlocker:

The current route relies on one random set of loot from Largo’s footlocker. Largo’s footlocker is a template container and thus rolls its loot from a fixed table; it will always select three unique items from this table to appear as loot. Here are the four things that can appear in this footlocker, with their chances:

Item Chance
1d20 Credits 99.9%
Computer Spike 66.7%
Parts 66.7%
Medpac 66.7%

The medpac and the small amount of credits are mostly irrelevant. Getting the Parts yields 3 extras (after the Full Inventory Dupe) to sell to Janice for +240 credits. Getting the Computer Spike from the footlocker means you have 4 instead of 3 when you Full Inventory Dupe, so that you have 12 when you reach Janice. This lets us sell 1 for +100 Credits, and keep the other 11 for hacking purposes.

The ideal outcome is getting Parts and the Computer Spike, which has only a 33.3% chance of occurring due to the way the loot table is programmed. There will always be at least Parts or a Computer Spike, and there are contingencies to handle all three possible outcomes.


If you don’t get the Computer Spike, you won’t sell any to Janice, and have a second shot at a random Computer Spike drop from the Chewed Twi’lek Corpse in the Krayt Dragon cave (this holds the Nerve Amplifier Belt). This corpse has a 22.2% chance of dropping 2-4 Computer Spikes, so if it does drop spikes, you won’t need to buy any.

This leaves a 25.9% chance that neither Largo’s Footlocker nor the Chewed Twi’lek Corpse drops spikes. In this case, you’ll need to buy 2 spikes from the Selkath Merchant when you buy the Hyper Stimulants. This costs 500 extra credits, but thankfully we’ve already passed the chokepoint for the credit route (needing 500 credits to loan to Queedle), so this doesn’t affect the credit route at all.

Optional Transactions

Each optional transaction can make certain aspects of the run more consistent, but none are required and most lose a little time to do.

1. Larrim’s Battle Stimulant

2. Extra Selling to Janice

3. Eli Gand’s Stims

4. Junix Nard’s Hair Trigger

5. Furko Nellis’s Deck and Manaan’s Docking Fee

Route Overview

Planet Route

Taris -> Dantooine -> Kashyyyk -> Tatooine 1 -> (Manaan 1 -> Tatooine 2 -> Manaan 2) -> Leviathan -> Korriban -> Unknown Planet -> Star Forge

The planets in parentheses are traveled between using Hotshots; Tatooine 2 includes several cleanup Hotshots, which start on Tatooine and warp to Manaan, Kashyyyk, Tatooine, and Manaan again in quick succession. Korriban includes two side trips to parts of Manaan to cleanup some quests.

The GenoHaradan sidequests are the main routing constraint in the midgame. These sidequests alone give the following restrictions:

Other planet route notes:

Route Outline

0. Endar Spire

1. Taris 1

2. Taris 2

3. Dantooine

4. Kashyyyk

4. Tatooine 1

5. Manaan 1

6. Tatooine 2

7. Manaan 2

8. The Leviathan

9. Korriban

10. Lehon

11. Star Forge

Detailed Route

This section will describe all the actions you’ll need to take for the All Quests Unrestricted run.



Save File Notes:

Conversation Notes:

Quest Notes:

Jump to a Section:

Endar Spire

Pre-Run Setup

Command Module

Starboard Section

Early Duel Ring

South Apartments

- Make sure to use your mouse for this menu; pressing Enter will cancel the AMG pop-up!
  - 2x Vibroblade
  - Ion Blaster
- BUY:
  - Vibrosword (replaces AMG pop-up)
  - Vibroblade
- Exit the shop and click 'OK' on the pop-up to buy the Vibrosword
- OPTIONAL: Speak with Larrim again (3) and buy the Battle Stimulant
  - This can be used to make Bendak's fight slightly more consistent, but costs ~5 seconds to get
- End: -76 Credits

Note: The Credit Underflow can fail for technical memory-related reasons. If it does fail, you can either sell a Parts and then retry the glitch, Quick Load to retry the entire menu again, or just reset.

Upper City

SHOPPING: Zelka Forn
- BUY:
  - 6x Adrenal Alacrity
  - 7x Adrenal Strength
- End: -726 Credits

The Duel Ring

The Search for Bastila

The Sith Base

Lower City

Vulkar Base

Swoop Platform

Escaping Taris

Lower City


- BUY:
  - Vibration Cell
- End: 212 Credits

Lower Sewers

Leaving Taris

SHOPPING: Janice Nall
  - 1 Computer Spike, but only if you start with 12
  - Parts, but keep 13 (might have 21 or 24 to start)
  - All Equipment EXCEPT:
    - 1 Strength Gauntlets
    - 1 Adrenaline Amplifier
- OPTIONAL SELL (+1196 Credits):
  - All Medpacs
  - All Antidote Kits
  - All Security Spikes
  - All Upgrades EXCEPT:
    - 1 Durasteel Bonding Alloy
    - 1 Energy Projector
    - 1 Vibration Cell
- End: 10648-12284 Credits


Jedi Enclave

SHOPPING: Crattis Yurkal
- BUY:
  - Sanasiki's Blade
  - Breath Mask
  - +/-3 and +/-5 Pazaak Cards
- End: 4640 Credits

Redeeming Juhani

Dantooine Ruins

Sidequest Cleanup

Leaving Dantooine


Great Walkway

- BUY:
  - Hyper Battle Stimulant
  - Hyper Adrenal Strength

Upper Shadowlands

Wookiee Politics

Lower Shadowlands

From now to the end of the run, Save Teleporting is the preferred form of movement.

Tatooine 1

Docking Bay

SHOPPING: Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu
- BUY:
  - Bantha Fodder


SHOPPING: Junix Nard
- BUY:
  - 2x +/-1, +/-2, +/-3, +/-4 Cards
  - Hair Trigger
  - The fastest way to buy the cards also buys the Hair Trigger via mashing

The Dune Sea

The Ebon Hawk

Manaan 1

Ahto City

GenoHaradan and Swoops

Reaching the Sith Base

SHOPPING: Selkath Merchant
  - 2x Computer Spike (if you have none)
- BUY:
  - 5x Hyper Battle Stim
  - 5x Hyper Adrenal Strength

Tatooine 2

Worthy of History

Warping Segment

Manaan 2

East Central

Hrakert Station

The Leviathan


Command Deck:




Sith Academy

Valley of the Dark Lords

Tomb of Naga Sadow


Ebon Hawk

Warrior Rakata

Elder Rakata:

Ancient Temple:

There are three ways to approach the temple. They’re listed here in order of speed.

Strat 1: Summit First

Strat 2 + 3: Catacombs First

Leaving Lehon

The Star Forge

Deck 1

Deck 2

Command Center

Viewing Platform

Complete Quest List

This is a list of all the quests in the game, as well as the alignment we complete them with, if applicable.

Endar Spire:







Unknown World/Star Forge:

Party Quests:

Intergalactic Quests:

Version History

v4.2 (June 2024)

v4.1 (May 2024)

v4.0 (January 2023)

v3.0 (February 2022)

v2.2 (January 2021)

v2.1 (December 2020)

v2.0 (November 2020)

v1.1 (June 2019)

v1.0 (January 2017)